Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Silent Letters In English From A to Z

This Silent Letters In English From A to Z Material is very useful for all competitive exams and all class. I hope this Material is very useful to you.

Silent Letters In English
Silent Letters In English

Rule -1 :-The letter B is the silent when it comes before letter T


                1. Doubt –b

                2. debt      - b

                3. Subtle  - b

                4. debtor – b

Rule -2 :- The letter B is silent when it comes when comes after the letter M


                1. Bomb – b

                2. comb – b

                3. lamb    -- b

                4. thumb – b

                5. womb – b

                6. numb  -- b

Rule-3 :-  The letter B is silent when it comes when comes after the letter M

        Examples :-

                1. Column  -n

                2. hymn    – n

                3. condemn –n

                4. autumn    -n

                5. solemn  -n

Rule – 4:-    The letter W is silent when it comes when comes before the letter R


                1. Write  -w                  4. Wrest  - w

                2. wrong –w                 5. Wrejtle -w

                3. wring  -w                  6. Wreck  - w

Rule – 5 :-   The letter K is silent when it comes when before the letter N

        Examples :-

                1. Know - k

                2. knife    - k

                3. knight - k

                4. knock - k

                5. knight  - k

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Rule – 6:- The letter L is silent when it comes when comes before the letter “F,V,K,M”

        Examples :-

                1. Half   - l

                2. calf    - l

                3. wolf   - l

                4. calves - l

                5. palm  - l

                6. chalk   - l

                7.walk    - l

                8. talk    - l

                9. folk    - l

                10. balm- l

                11. stalk - l

Rule – 7 :-   The letter G is silent when it comes when comes before the letter N

        Examples :-

                1. Sign- g

                2. design- g

                3. resign- g

                4. soverign- g

                5. comparign- g

Rule – 8 :-   The letter T is silent when it comes when The group of letters “stle, sten, ften” come at the end of the word, you should assume that the T is silent.   

Examples :-        

      1. Castle- t

      2. whistle- t

      3. listen - t

      4. fasten- t

Rule – 9 :-   The letter P is silent when it comes when comes before the letter N, S


             1. Pneumonia - p

             2. psychology– p

             3. pseudopodia – p

             4. psalm   - p

Rule -10:- The letter D is silent when it comes when comes before the letter J


                   1. Adjective  - d                        

                   2. Adjoin- d

                   3. adjust- d

                   4. adjure- d

Rule – 11:-           The letter T is silent when the words derived from  the french


                   1. Depot- t

                   2. bouquet -t

                   3. ballet- t

                   4. bebut- t

Rule -12 :- The letter H is silent when it comes when comes after the letter KH ,RH

        Examples :-

                   1. Khaki- h           

                   2. rhymn- h

                   3. khan- h

                   4. Rhino - h

Rule – 13 :- The letter B is silent when it comes at the end of the word

        Examples :-

                   1. Answer- r

                   2. flower - r

                   3. for  - r

                   4. mother- r

                   5. finger- r

Rule – 14:- The letter B is silent when it comes when comes before consonants


                   1. Word- r

                    2. work- r

                   3. charm- r

                   4. chart- r

                   5. poor- r                                 

                   6. cancer- r

Rule  - 15 :- The letter  H  is silent in the following words


                   1. Hour        -h

                   2. honest     -h

                   3. honour     - h

                   4. heir          - h

                   5. honey      - h

                   6. hunter      - h

                   7. ghost       - h

                   8. when        -  h

                   9. what        - h

                   10. where    - h                                 

Rule – 16:-  The letter U  is silent in the following words


                1. Country     - u      7. Trouble    - u      13. Uncle     - u

                2. Guards        - u      8. Glamour   - u      14. Guild      - u

                3. journey        - u      9. Guest      -u

                4. courage       - u      10. Build      - u

                5. guaranty     - u      11. Aunt       - u

                6. colour          - u      12. Tongue  - u

Rule – 17:- The letter  H is silent when the group of letter  EX  begin with the following words


             1. Exhort  - h

             2. Exhibition - h

             3. Exhibit  - h

             4. Exhaust - h

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Some of the silent letters are given below

1.  Wednesday - d                         19. Science - c

2.  European      - e                         20. Leopard - o

3.  Receipt           - p                         21. Glow      - w

4.  Friend           - I                          22. Lawn      - w

5.  Muscle          - e                         23. Yellow    - w

6.  Island          - s                         24. Etch       - t

7.  Pawn            - w    

8.  Head             - a

9.  Deaf             - a

10. Meant          - a

11. Yacht           - c

12. Scene        - c

13. Science       - c

14. Scent         - c

15. Sound        - c

16. gnaw           - g

17. whole           - w

18. should         - l


Identify the silent consonants in the following words:

1) Palm

2) honest

3) align

4) know

5) island

6) calm

7) comb

8) answer

9) talk

10)      depot

11)      dumb

12)      psychology

13)      pseudonym

14)      kitchen

15)      pneumonia

16)      plough

17)      bouquet

18)      wreath

19)      world

20)      often

21)      psalm

22)      debt

23)      write

24)      knowledge

25)      knife

26)      listen

27)      subtle

28)      hymn

29)      viscount

30)      wrist

31)      Wednesday

32)      folk

33)      tomb

34)      gnaw

35)      build

36)      doubt

37)      half

38)      design

39)      could

40)      aught

41)      bomb

42)      whistle

43)      knight

44)      womb

45)      palmist

46)      castle

47)      modern

48)      sigh

49)      bright

50)      receipt

51)      height

52)      psychiatrist

53)      arm

54)      wrong

55)      scent

56)      satchel

57)      calf

58)      chalk

59)      climb

60)      column

61)      country

62)      daughter

63)      debris

64)      dumb

65)      fasten

66)      foreign

67)      hour

68)      knee

69)      limb

70)      knock

71)      condemn

72)      guest

73)      charm

74)      ballet

75)      autumn



2.  h

3.  g

4.  k

5.  s

6.  l

7.  b

8.  r

9.  l

10.  t

11.  b

12.  p

13.  p

14.  t

15.  p

16.  g

17.  t

18.  w

19.  r

20.  t

21.  l

22.  b

23.  w

24.  k

25.  k

26.  t

27.  t

28.  n

29.  s

30.  w

31.  d

32.  l

33.  b

34.  g

35.  u

36.  b

37.  l

38.  g

39.  l

40.  gh

41.  m

42.  t

43.  k

44.  b

45.  l

46.  t

47.  r

48.  gh

49.  g

50.  p

51.  g

52.  p

53.  r

54.  w

55.  c

56.  t

57.  l

58.  l

59.  b

60.  n

61.  u

62.  t

63.  b

64.  b

65.  t

66.  g

67.  h

68.  k

69.  b

70.  k

71.  n

72.  u

73.  r

74.  t

75.  n

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